Drug court PoPulation
Denise C. Gottfredson, Ph.D., is a professor at the University of Maryland Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology. Gottfredson’s research interests include delinquency and delinquency prevention, and particularly the effects of school environments on youth behavior. Brook W. Kearley is a researcher at Social Solutions, Inc. Her primary research interests include the evaluation of drug treatment processes and outcomes, the organization of service delivery systems, and research methods. Shawn D. Bushway, Ph.D. is an associate professor at the University at Albany, School of Criminal Justice. His current research focuses on the economics of crime, the process of desistance, and the distribution of discretion in the criminal justice system. SubStance uSe, Drug treatment, anD crime: an examination of intra-inDiviDual variation in a Drug court PoPulation
منابع مشابه
Title of dissertation: CAN DRUG COURTS IMPROVE PUBLIC SAFETY? EXPLORING THE IMPACTS OF DRUG COURT ON CRIME Kathryn Marie Zafft, Doctor of Philosophy, 2014 Dissertation directed by: Professor Denise C. Gottfredson Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice Drug courts represent one of the largest and most widespread criminal justice programs specifically developed to provide treatment and in...
متن کاملSanctionable Behavior in a Felony Level Drug Court: Categorizing Noncompliant Behavior Through a Criminal-Thinking Lens
ELIZABETH BONOMO Sanctionable Behavior in a Felony Level Drug Court: Categorizing Noncompliant Behavior Through a Criminal-Thinking Lens (Under the direction of DR. WENDY GUASTAFERRO) Drug courts use sanctions as a form of behavior management and modification, and they are an important structural tool in the treatment of drug ...
متن کاملDrug Court Effectiveness: A Review of California Evaluation
Over the past two decades, drug courts have emerged as a viable alternative for addressing drug cases within the criminal justice system. In California, the Drug Court Partnership Program (DCPP) was created in 1998 and has supported and funded the development of drug courts throughout the State. This article reports on a review of California drug court evaluations through January 2000 conducted...
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This article asses what is known and what remains to be understood about problem-solving courts. Specifically, the article asserts that drug courts serve a needy population, court mandated treatment programs have higher retention rates, those who participate longer have better outcomes, those in drug courts had lower rates of recidivism, drug use, and that graduated sanctions have statistically...
متن کاملNew South Wales Drug Court Evaluation: Interim report on health and well-being of participants
Despite the current popularity of drug courts, there have been few comprehensive evaluations of their effectiveness in reducing recidivism or in improving the health and well-being of participants. This bulletin reports on the health and well-being of offenders participating in the NSW Drug Court Trial using the SF-36 health questionnaire and the OTI social functioning scale. Two hundred and tw...
متن کاملNew South Wales Drug Court Evaluation: Health, Well-being and Participant Satisfaction
PREFACE Traditionally in New South Wales, the health care and criminal justice systems have approached illicit drug users from different and somewhat opposing frameworks. The first as been primarily concerned with therapeutic outcomes for the individual, while the second as focused primarily on the protection of the community from offending committed by illicit drug users. The drug court model ...
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